A Facebook Success Story:

TurnKey is an agency specializing in helping automotive dealers with digital marketing.

Our Goal:

Driving Shoppers -

Compare performance between Driving shoppers to dealer websites or on-Facebook Vehicle Detail Pages when running automotive inventory ads (AIA).

The Results

Reduction in Cost Per Sale
Reduction in View Content
More impressions

Our Methodology


TurnKey ran a split-test comparing AIA with an on-Facebook vs a website destination across 10 dealerships over 2 weeks.

Newsfeed & Marketplace

Ads were shown on Newsfeed and Marketplace, landing shoppers either to the dealer website or to a Vehicle Detail Page (VDP) on Facebook with faster load time and the ability to contact the dealer readily via FB Messenger.

Increased Impressions

All dealerships experienced an increase in impressions and reach and a significant reduction in cost per sale.

By focusing on the big picture results for our clients, we’ve been able to increase the bottom line for our clients while at the same time removing friction from the consumer’s shopping experience. This test reaffirms the continuous effort of Facebook and TurnKey marketing to discover the most effective ROI driven strategies.

Drake Baerresen

CMO, TurnKey