Google Makes TurnKey Marketing Part of Google Dealer Guidebook Ahead of the 2018 NADA Convention

As many dealers know, Google announced the Google Dealer Guidebook (formerly known as the Google Dealer Playbook.). However, what you may not know is this guide has been updated with all kinds of new and valuable information.  The teams at Google have scoured an incredible number of data points to guide dealers on the best practices to get more out of their Google advertising spend. Much of The Dealer Guidebook has to do with utilizing Google ad spend more efficiently, or simply put: getting more out of your Google spend. TurnKey Marketing, an industry leader in tier 3 auto dealer focused advertising, set the bar so high for Google Adwords dealer marketing that TurnKey Marketing is officially featured as the only digital agency in the Google Dealer Guidebook. This isn’t the first time TurnKey Marketing has been featured by a major advertising platform, “We weren’t intentionally seeking to be part of the Google Dealer Guidebook, we just stayed true to our core philosophy, optimize SEM and PPC to bring tangible and transparent lead generation results to dealers. It’s as simple as that.” quoted Drake Baerresen, CMO at TurnKey Marketing. He went on to say, “Our Paid Media team has done an incredible job in carrying out our lead generation based strategy and quickly adapting to the latest data based dealership trends.”