Turn a Shopper into a Sale with Retargeting
Online advertising is becoming more and more sophisticated by the day. Gone are the days that a business would put up a website with a phone number and expect sales to happen. Businesses must learn how to get a slice of the billions of dollars spent online, or they will soon find themselves out of business entirely.
One aspect of online advertising that a business that sells online has to take advantage of is retargeting. Only 2% of all web visitors make a purchase the first time they go to a website. Imagine business opportunities that are lost if those same businesses don’t find a way to keep their “brand” at the forefront of a potential customer’s mind. Retargeting attaches electronic tags to the searcher so that when they visit other sites, an ad will show up in the margin to remind them about that first site they visited.
Does retargeting automatically mean a sale will be made? No, but it certainly increases the odds of a consumer making a purchase from the original site. With retargeting, consumers are reminded of brands and sites that they are already familiar with; and rather than having advertisements on the main page of a news website, these retargeted advertisements are for people who have previously proven they are interested in that product.
Retargeting provides some of the best return on investment of all online advertising. Although retargeting is effective, it is most efficient when used with other marketing tools. Retargeting works well in conjunction with inbound and outbound marketing strategies which are also important in increasing site traffic. Retargeting can increase site visits to sales conversions, but other sales tactics and tools must be used to get people to visit a website initially, otherwise there will be fewer customers to convert.
Retargeting is even more specific than placing the store name in an advertisement on a previous user’s computer. Good retargeting presents the item the visitor clicked on when visiting. It will benefit the store and consumers if future advertisements were for widgets that the consumer had looked at on a previous visit. That would be more beneficial than the store name in the ad. Most retargeting is also more beneficial when there is some sort of call to action in the advertisement. “Order our widgets today and get free shipping” “40% off today”. Retargeting is an important part of any business that wants to have a successful presence on the web. See how we can help increase your sales with a focus on retargeting right now.
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