3 Ways to Grow Profits During the Coronavirus Outbreak

3 ways to grow profits during the Coronavirus outbreak

At TurnKey Marketing we look at every situation as as opportunity for our clients. While some dealers might be worrying about where their sales will come from, opportunistic dealers are aggressively and creatively attacking the market. Below are 3 areas that stores should consider to help continue to grow profits. Remember, the grass is green where you water it, so use a firehose instead of a garden hose!


Build Confidence in Your Team

Your staff must be completely bought in that now is as good a time as any to break records! Fire up the sales team with an additional bonus/contest and a strong assurance that you are going all in to hit the teams goals!


Leverage Your Database

Get in front of your database quickly and frequently with reasons to buy and service! Consider mobilizing a comprehensive outreach using social, digital, website graphics, direct mail and good ol’ fashion phone calls. This is the low hanging fruit and they will be excited about what you are going to offer them. Create opportunity as opposed to reinforcing concern.


Offer To Go To Your Customer

Remove barriers that prevent some people from coming into your dealership and purchasing now. While some people are preferring to avoid crowds right now, its important to offer free vehicle delivery to the customer. Also, consider removing purchase barriers by offering no payments until Summer 2020, etc. Bottom line, make the purchase experience frictionless and easy.

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